I am a writer and speaker on philosophical questions relating to music education. My current interest is in ethical issues in music education, and I have just completed a new book, Music Educational Sins Redeemed. I edit thePhilosophy of Music Education Review published by Indiana University Press and the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
On caring for music education in troubled times. In Karin S. Hendricks, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023), 22-30.
With Iris M. Yob, Editorial Reflections on Philosophizing in Music Education, Philosophy of Music Education Review 31, no. 2 (Fall 2023), 109-120.
Philosophy of Music Education Review
Volume 32, no. 1 (Spring 2024) is now available at the journal website, http://pmer.iu.edu.
Upcoming Projects and Publications:
Music Educational Sins Redeemed. Book in consideration for publication