A case study in two divergent research methodologies in music education. CAUSM Journal 8 (1) (1979): 33-72.
On the development of a theory of musical instruction. Psychology of Music 8 (1980): 25-30.
On excellence in music education. McGill Journal of Education 15 (1) (1980): 94-103.
Selected indexes of the academic and professional preparation of music supervisors in Canada. Journal of Research in Music Education 28 (2) (1980): 92-102. Reprinted in A Cross-Section of Research in Music Education, edited by Stephen H. Barnes, 128-145. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982.
An analysis of selected supervisor tasks in Canada. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 27 (2) (1981): 107-113.
On a choice-based instructional typology in music. Journal of Research in Music Education 29 (1981): 97-102.
School music performance programs and the development of “functional musical literacy”: A theoretical model. College Music Symposium 21 (1981): 82-93.
Engineering change in music education: A model of the political process underlying the Boston school music movement (1829-1838). Journal of Research in Music Education 31 (1983): 67-75.
William Channing Woodbridge’s lecture, “On vocal music as a branch of common education” revisited. Studies in Music (University of Western Australia) 18 (1984): 1-32. Reprinted in Visions of Music Education 14 (June 2009) at http://www-usr.rider.edu/~vrme/.
On the decision-making process in music education. Journal of Educational Thought 19 (3) (1985): 218-237.
On the recruitment process in amateur ensembles. Canadian University Music Review 6 (1985): 293-318.
Aspects of private piano teacher decision-making in London, England. Psychology of Music 14 (2) (1986): 111-129.
Developmental phases in selected British choirs. Canadian University Music Review 7 (1986): 188-225.
Percy Scholes on music appreciation. British Journal of Music Education 4 (2) (1987): 139-156.
Curriculum design in music. College Music Symposium 28 (1988): 94-105.
Towards an enhanced community of scholars in music education. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning 1 (1, 2) (1990): 36-42.
Music education in broad perspective. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning 2 (3) (1991): 14-21.
On building social theories of music education. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 116 (Spring 1993): 33-50.
Religious music in education. Philosophy of Music Education Review 1 (2) (Fall 1993): 103-114.
Justifying music instruction in American public schools: A historical perspective. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 120 (Spring 1994): 17-31. Reprinted in Arts Education Policy Review 96 (6) (July/August 1995): 31-38.
An analysis of aspects of Type IV music instruction in a teacher-student dyad. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning 6 (1) (Spring 1995): 16-31.
Music education as community. The Journal of Aesthetic Education 29 (3) (Fall 1995): 71-84.
The artist and the pedagogy of hope. International Journal of Music Education 27 (1996): 36-50.
On teaching music with care. The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning 7 (2-4) (Trilogy Issue 1996-97): 64-75.
Modeling aspects of Type IV music instructional triads. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 137 (Summer 1998): 43-56.
On cultivating scholarly dispositions in music education. Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, Special Issue: Papers from the Allen P. Britton Symposium, University of Maryland, College Park, March 6, 2000, 22 (2) (April 2001): 201-220.
A dialectical view of theory and practice. Journal of Research in Music Education 49 (4) (Winter 2001): 343-359.
What are the roles of philosophy in music education? Research Studies in Music Education 17 (2001): 19-31.
The aims of music education: A preliminary excursion. Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (1) (Spring 2002): 31-49.
What philosophy can bring to music education: musicianship as a case in point. British Journal of Music Education 20 (2) (2003): 197-214.
Western classical music and general education. Philosophy of Music Education Review 11 (2) (Fall 2003): 130-140.
Pax Americana and the world of music education. Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (3) (Fall 2004): 1-18.
Four philosophical models of the relation of theory and practice. Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1) (Spring 2005): 21-36.
Reflections on futures for music education. Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1) (Spring 2006): 15-22. Reprinted in Exploring Research in Music Education and Music Therapy, edited by Kenneth B. Phillips, 72-79, in chap. 5, 66-80. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. “This-with-that”: A dialectical approach to teaching for musical imagination. Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4) (Winter 2006): 1-20.
Myth, song, and music education: The case of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Swann’s The Road Goes Ever On. Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3) (Fall 2006): 1-21.
Concerning justice and music education. Music Education Research 9 (2) (Fall 2007): 169-189.
Questions for music education research. Music Education Research 10 (3) (September 2008): 331-346.
Seeing double: a comparative approach to music education. Finnish Journal of Music Education 11 (1-2) (2008): 60-70.
On ‘thick description’ in narrative inquiry in music education. Research Studies in Music Education 31 (1) (2009): 73-85.
A philosophical view of research in music education. Music Education Research 11 (4) (December 2009): 415-424.
Music, myth, and education: The Case of “The Lord of the Rings” Film Trilogy. Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1) (Spring 2010): 44-57.
How can music education be religious? Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (2) (Fall 2011: 155-163.
With Iris Yob. Deconstructing Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus for music education. Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (3) (Fall 2013): 36-55.
Values and philosophizing about music education. Philosophy of Music Education Review 22 (1) (Spring 2014): 5-21.
Face-to-face and distance teaching and learning in internationalized higher education: Lessons from the preparation of professional musicians. Journal of Music, Technology & Education 7 (2) (2014): 187-197.
With Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman. Shifting paradigms in music education research (1953-1978): A theoretical and quantitative re-assessment. Journal of Research in Music Education 63 (3) 2015: 261-280. DOI: 1177/0022429415601690.
Roots and Development of the International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education (1985-2015), Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 39 (1) (April 7, 2017): 25-50.
With Iris M. Yob. Metaphors for a change. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 53 (2) (Summer 2019): 19-39.
To Love or Not to Love (Western Classical Music): That is the Question (for Music Educators), Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (2) (Fall 2020): 128-144.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: Values for Music Education. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education no. 226 (Fall 2020): 66-79.
Senior Researcher Award Acceptance Address: Reflections on a Scholar’s Life in Music Education, Journal of Research in Music Education 69, no. 3 (2021): 250-257.
Book chapters
On resource allocation in school music. Proceedings of the McGill Symposium in School Music Administration and Supervision, 1979, edited by Estelle R. Jorgensen (Montreal: Faculty of Music, McGill University, 1980), 20-41.
Music and international relations. In Culture and International Relations, ed., Jongsuk Chay. (New York: Praeger, 1990), 56-71.
On philosophical method. In Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning, ed., Richard Colwell (New York: Schirmer Books, 1992), 91-101. Reprinted in MENC Handbook of Research Methodologies, edited by Richard Colwell (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006), 176-198.
Women, music, and the church: An historical approach. In Women and the Church: The Feminine Perspective, edited by Lourdes Morales-Gudmundsson (Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press, 1995), 35-55.
Justifying music in general education: Belief in search of reason. In Philosophy of Education, 1996, edited by Frank Margonis (Urbana IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 1997), 228-236.
From cloister to corporation: Music education and the changing face of the academy. In The Sociology of Music Education II: Papers from the Music Education Symposium at the University of Oklahoma, edited by Roger A. Rideout and Stephen P. Paul (Amherst, MA: Rideout and Paul, 2000), 19-30.
What does it mean to transform education? In Philosophy of Education, 2000, edited by Lynda Stone (Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society, 2001), 242-252.
Philosophical issues in curriculum. In The New Handbook of Research in Music Teaching and Learning, edited by Richard Colwell and Carol Richardson (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 48-62.
Thinking about music education in Japan. In Proceedings of Myōko Music Education Seminar [Myōko Seminar Hokokusho]September 9-11, 2005 (n.p.: publisher unknown, 2006), 130-138.
Towards a social theory of musical identities. In Music and Human Beings – Music and Identity, edited by Björe Stålhammar, (Örebro: Universitetsbiblioteket, 2006), 27-44.
A music school faces the future. In Kunskapens konst: Vänbok till Börje Stålhammar, edited by Eva Georgii-Hemming, Skriftserie Forskning, 2001: 1, Musikvetenskap (Örebro, Sweden: Musikhögskolan, Örebro Universitet, 2007), 219-227. Also, in Musikaalisuuden ytimessä/In the Heart of Musicality: Juhlakirja Kai Karmalle/Essays in Honour of Kai Karma, edited by Marjut Laitinen and Marja-Liisa Kainulainen (Helsinki, Finland: Sibelius-Akatemia, 2007), 33-40.
The Seashore-Mursell debate on the psychology of music revisited. In The Nature of Musicality: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Don Coffman, Kate Gfeller, David Nelson, and Carlos Rodriguez (Ames: University of Iowa Press, 2007), 62-77. Revised version published in Advances in Social Psychology of Music Education Research, edited by Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman (Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2011).
On informalities in music education. In The Oxford Handbook of Music Education Philosophy edited by Wayne D. Bowman and Ana Lucia Frega (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 453-471.
Constructing communities of scholarship in music education. In The Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Vol. 2, edited by Gary E. McPherson and Graham F. Welch (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012), 637-643. Reprinted in Music and Music Education in People’s Lives, The Oxford Handbook of Music Education, vol. 1, edited by Gary E. McPherson and Graham F. Welch (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2018), 278-281.
Intersecting social justices and music education. In The Oxford Handbook of Social Justice and Music Education edited by Cathy Benedict, Patrick Schmidt, Gary Spruce, and Paul Woodford (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015), 7-28.
On the role of religion in music education. In Perspectives on Music, Education, and Religion: A Critical Inquiry edited by Alexis Kallio, Philip Alperson, and Heidi Westerlund (Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press, 2019), 15-30.
On making music education humane and good: Gathering threads. In Humane Music Education for the Common Good, edited by Iris M. Yob and Estelle R. Jorgensen (Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press, 2020), 274-282.
Alguns desafios para a educação musical. O que podem fazer os professores de música? Translation of Some challenges for music education: What are music educators to do? In, Defasios em educação, edited by Graça Boal-Palheiros and Pedro S. Boia (Porto, Portugal: CIPEM/INET-md, 2020), 17-36.
On mediated qualitative scholarship and marginalized voices in music education. In Narratives and Reflections in Music Education: Listening to Voices Seldom Heard, edited by Tawnya D. Smith and Karin S. Hendricks (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020), 193-206. On values and life’s journey through music: Reflections on the Eriksons’ life stages and music education. In Authentic Connection: Music, Spirituality, and Wellbeing, edited by Karin S. Hendricks and June Boyce-Tillman (Pieterlen and Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2021), 67-80.
With Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman†, Singing Through Grief: An Autobiographic Fragment with Brief Commentary. In Living Song: Singing, Spirituality, and Wellbeing, edited by Karin S. Hendricks and June Boyce-Tillman (Pieterlen and Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2021), 262-268.
On caring for music education in troubled times. In Karin S. Hendricks, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023, 22-30.
Short articles in refereed research journals
Songs to teach a nation. Philosophy of Music Education Review 15 (2) (Fall 2007): 150-160.
A response to Susan Laird, “Musical hunger: A philosophical testimonial of miseducation.” Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1) (Spring 2009): 75-80.
Short articles in refereed professional journals
Technology in the school music program. Fine (Winter 1974): 24-30.
Some observations on the methodology of research in music education. Canadian Music Educator 20 (3) (Spring 1979): 45-50.
The academic and professional preparation of school music supervisors in Canada. Canadian Music Educator 20 (4) (1979): 52-56.
The scope and nature of the school music supervisor role in Canada. Canadian Music Educator 21 (2) (1980): 14-21.
The preparation of school music supervisors in Canada. Canadian Music Educator 21 (3) (1980): 10-13.
Philosophy and the music teacher: Challenging the way we think. Music Educators Journal 76 (5) (1990): 17-23.
School music education and change. Music Educators Journal 96 (4) (June 2010): 21-27.
Rethinking gender and music education: A rejoinder to Nelson Rodriguez. Establishing Identity: LGBT Studies and Music Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, May 23-26, 2010. Electronic Conference Proceedings, http://bcrme.press.illinois.edu/proceedings/Establishing_Identity/index.html, accessed March 20, 2012.
Another perspective: The joyous composer. Music Educators Journal 102 (3) (March 2016): 71-74. DOI: 10.1177/0027432115621864. Why is it important to have a media journal in music education? Media Journal in Music Education 1 (2017). Video. www.mjme.net.